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Apple Declared French Law to be 'State-Sponsored Piracy' - Mp4 Converter

Updated March 21,2006

Several days ago, we released a news that France government was going to pass a new law which would force Apple company to open up its iTunes Music Store. Apple made reaction to this on Tuesday, declared it would be a "State-Sponsored Piracy" if France government insists on doing so, in this case it would most probably cause digital music sales to steeply decline, to the opposite iPod sales mightly actually increase.

Natalie Kerris, spokeswoman of Apple, said"The French implementation of the EU Copyright Directive will result in state-sponsored piracy,If this happens, legal music sales will plummet just when legitimate alternatives to piracy are winning over customers… iPod sales will likely increase as users freely upload their iPods with ‘interoperable’ music which cannot be adequately protected,Free movies for iPods should not be far behind."

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