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Apple iTunes Store receives complaints from users - Mp4 Converter

Updated November 2,2006

"Want to buy a video or game for your iPod player from the Apple iTunes Store? Apple's the only distributor, but if you visit its popular online shop these days, one of the first things you'll see is the equivalent of picket lines: numerous complaints from users regarding software compatibility and Store business practices, stacking up as negative ratings for various downloadable items. On other downloads, you'll see ad hoc debate societies, with comments on the new iTunes offerings attracting more user attention than the downloads themselves," Jeremy Horwitz writes for iLounge.

Horwitz writes, "Amongst the video gripes: numerous comments in the Apple iTunes Store's South Park Season 10 section angrily note that after paying in advance for the latest season of the popular Comedy Central cartoon, users then discovered that the Apple iTunes Store had split the episodes into 'Season 10A' and 'Season 10B,' forcing subscribers to pay more to receive the second half of the season... Video quality also continues to be an issue for some users, despite recent Apple promises of near-DVD quality Apple iTunes Store downloads."

Horwitz asks, "Have you had issues with game, TV show, or movie downloads from the iTunes Store? Or found them to be fantastic?"

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