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Belkin unveils several accessories for Microsoft Zune player - Mp4 Converter

Updated November 7,2006

Got Microsoft Zune player on the mind? You should. With the release approaching fast, Belkin already has a line of accessories ready for the Zune launch. Cases, power boosters, FM transmitters and more will be available for the Microsoft Zune player.

TuneBase FM

The picture below is the standard TuneBase FM transmitter, but refined for the Microsoft Zune player. It will transmit on FM channels 88.1MHz - 107.9MHz and also include a line-out for cars that include auxiliary ports. Programmable memory preset and an LCD display are included. The most Zune-specific feature about this Zune accessory is the flexible neck. They did this to allow the Zune player to be rotated to landscape mode so the passengers can watch movies easily. The TuneBase will retail for $79


The TunePower is a fold-out kickstand and power adapter for the Zune player. It can give up to six more hours of juice and will conveniently sit like a kickstand for easy video viewing. The TunePower Zune accessory will retail for $59.

Acrylic Case

This is one of Belkin's cases that will be available for the Microsoft Zune player. It has a detachable belt-clip that also doubles as a kick-stand for video viewing. The Acrylic Case Zune accessory will be available for $29.

Folio Kickstand Case

This is another, softer case. It will protect the Zune player along with providing it with a kick-stand for better video viewing. This Zune accessory will also retail for $29.

Other Zune accessories include a Holster Case for $29, Neoprene Sports Armband Case for $29, a Sports Jacket Case with Armband for $19 and finally, a screen overlay for the Microsoft Zune player that will go for $14.

All Zune cases and Zune accessories will be available from mid to late November. - Travis Hudson

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