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Microsoft brings TV programming and movies to Xbox 360 game console - Mp4 Converter

Updated November 9,2006

Microsoft has struck a deal with several networks to bring TV programming and movies to the Xbox 360 game console. Programming from CBS, MTV Networks, Paramount Pictures, Turner Broadcasting System, Ultimate Fighting Championship, and Warner Bros. will offer standard and high definition shows and movies for download via the Internet starting November 22.

By the end of the year, Microsoft's TV show download library should include CSI, Survivor and the remastered Star Trek episodes, South Park, SpongeBob SquarePants, Skyland, and more. The movie selection will include M:i:III, Nacho Libre, The Matrix, Superman Returns, Batman Forever, and several others.

TV shows will be available as individual purchases, much like Apple's iTunes Store, but movies will be rental downloads only.

Microsoft has not said how much shows will cost, what the rental terms include, or what other types of restrictions will be placed on the digital content. Presumably, shows downloaded to the Microsoft Xbox 360 game console will not play on other devices.

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