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Nintendo's new console gets the name Wii - Mp4 Converter

Updated April 29,2006

Revolution was just a codename, now Nintendo’s next-generation console gets its official name Wii (pronounced ‘we’). It may be not what you expected and you begin chuckling to sneer it. Once you notice how great the console is you stop sniggering.

Since Nintendo DS have drew plentiful audience’s attention to its product with its no-brainer touchscreen controls and colorful games library, Nintendo Wii wishes to get all types of players to keep that in mind: Nintendo Wii is innovative and super-intuitive motion-sensitive controller. From the name of this new console we can also see it .The “ii” spelling stands for both the unique controllers and the picture of players gathering to play”. Another significant side of Nintendo Wii’s is that: it speaks close-quarters multiplayer experiences and feelings, just as the scenes showed in its online ad. -families and friends packed on sofas, wielding and waving their wireless Wii controllers.

Nintendo Wii will be available at the forthcoming E3 games conference in Los Angeles (8-12 May).

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