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Picture of Cowon P5 portable media player - Mp4 Converter

Updated October 15,2006

The first pictures of Cowon's upcoming P5 portable media player have hit the Web. (For some reason, Cowon has decided to go with a male model to market its portable media player. I guess that makes sense since girls just love to play with electronics, right?) The Cowon P5 will sport a five-inch touch screen and will feature a DMB antenna. DMB? You know what that means: Korea-only, folks. It'll run on Windows CE, which usually means that it'll runs dog slow. Time will tell.


Also of note is that the P5 portable media player is essentially a souped-up version of the upcoming Cowon A3, which will run Linux (hooray!) The A3 is the successor to the year-old Cowon A2, but with a better CPU.

Both the Cowon P5 and Cowon A3 portable media players should hit Korean retailers in Q4. Five-inch touch screen? Does that mean Apple is playing catchup now? - Nicholas Deleon

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